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What Is Fitness?


By Natasha Waldrop 

What is Fitness?

This may seem like a simple or rhetorical question, but it is an important one to answer.  When you see this question, what ideas do you have?  Most people have a general idea.  Some think it means being a supermodel or professional athlete.  Others might get intimated by the idea.  Do I have to be able to run a marathon to achieve fitness?


Understanding where the word came from may inspire you to feel confident in achieving “fitness.”


The definition for fitness has changed as we have advanced in our lifestyles and technology.  As our collective knowledge increased, our understanding of fitness change with it.  And today we have more information at our fingertips than ever before.


Fitness was derived from the word fit - which first appeared in the 1570’s and had nothing to do with physical activity.  Fit originally meant the way two things relate to each other or how they form together.  It then evolved to describe how people would match with certain activities or tasks or against one another in competition. 


The word fitness started to appear in the 1950s during the industrial revolution.  People were inquiring about how well a person would be able to perform in relation to their jobs.  If they were capable of completing the tasks required. 


The word gained popularity and was soon after used for more then just the job force.  Fitness started to appear when speaking about a person’s ability to perform in sports or daily activities without fatigue.


The word then adopted its association with health, success, and attractiveness during the boom of the fitness industry.  Today the word is defined as the quality or state of being fit to function efficiently and effortlessly at work and leisure activities, to be healthy, and to resist diseases. 


How do you reach your desired level of fitness? 


Let us show you!

Why Get Fit As A Mom?


Natasha Waldrop 

As a mom, you are responsible for creating and teaching your tiny humans to live, and they learn almost everything  from us in their early years.  Children watch everything we do and the lack of what we do.  We want what is best for them, and that includes living a healthy life.  

   They need to see a good example of exercise and diet to follow in the future.  To avoid things like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and cancer we must show them what healthy looks like. 



Children also crave interaction because they are learning how to be social and how the world works and reacts to them.  Because of this they ask us to do things with them almost constantly.  What do your kids ask you to do?

Is it going to the park together? 

Playing tag or hide n go seek? 

Is it watching a movie? 

They start asking these things while they are still very young, and and learn from our responses.   Our answers shape what they ask and what habits they form as they grow. 

Why Choose MomFit?


Natasha Waldrop

MomFit is different then any other program out there.  It was created by, and is run by, moms like you.  We understand the challenges you face and we are not going to ask you to just get over them.  We want to see you succeed, and not throw in the towel because it is too hard or too much. 

We have children, husbands, houses, and hectic schedules to work with.  We know what chaos looks like and we know what a tight budget can look like.  

Quick fixes sound awesome but are usually expensive.  MomFit wants your health to be affordable, sustainable.  Something that adds benefit to your family, rather than taking away. 

We encourage working out with your kids, spouse, and baby.  Because having time away from them can be rare or you want to spend more time with them. 


What makes MomFit different?  Everything! 

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