We are entering week 2 of the COVID-19 Apocalypse -that means we have survived 1 week already! Take a moment to celebrate that.
I honestly thought that people would settle down a little by week 2, but with numbers still increasing the hysteria remains.
MomFit wants to help any way we can to keep everyone healthy and entertained.
To do this we are keeping in touch with you via our stories.
We are doing daily #apocalypsecheckin not only with our workouts but also with the kids.
We are leaving workout and eating tips in our stories as well.
We will continue to provide free workouts, challenges, and recipes on our website.
We are working to get new workouts available to you and add to the recipes section as well.
We have been bouncing around some challenge ideas too.
Hearing from you helps us provide what you are looking for as well as keeping us entertained 😜 so send us an email or direct message- we love hearing from you ❤
If you haven't started your fitness journey yet now is the perfect time too start! It takes 21 days to start a habit, which is about the amount of time we are to be quarantined (as of now). Getting in a routine and learning some basics at home will get you ready to continue your journey at home or at the gym. We have an area of our website to get you started.
You can also become a subscriber and member of our website for FREE and ask any questions or share your experience in our forums.
We wish you all health and happiness during this time.
Stay home.
Smooches 😘