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6 Lower Body Stretches-That You Can Do Sitting Down

Hey babes!

It’s time to show that lower body some love 💕

The last month and a half we have been doing yoga poses-or trying at least 😆- for our February yoga challenge.

These poses take strength to achieve and hold, sometimes in muscles we don’t even think we would be using for the pose.

Leaving you winded and sore.

To help lengthen and loosen your muscles we have 3 tutorials on grounded lower body stretches.

3 videos with 2 stretches each.

(Videos are at the bottom of this post or you can follow the link)

Following these tutorials will also help you achieve more flexibility for your yoga poses in the #momfityogi yoga challenge.

But if you aren't looking to watch a video we also have a breakdown for you right here! 🤗

Grounded Quad Stretches

We will start at the top of the legs - the quads- one of the biggest muscle groups in our body. One you want to make sure you don't pass up post workout. Much of our day to day movements use our quads.

Stretch 1: Kneeling quad stretch.

To perform this stretch you kneel on one knee and leave the other leg up in a 90 degree angle.

Grab your foot of the leg that is down and gently pull the foot towards your glutes/butt.

Stretch 2: Reclined quad stretch.

To perform this stretch start in the same position as the first stretch. Then lower your butt to the ground leaving 1 leg folded next to you. Recline back onto your hands and lift your pelvis up using your opposite leg.

Grounded Hamstring Stretch

The hamstrings are opposite the quadriceps and are commonly tight, especially for those who have desk jobs.

Stretch 3: Sitting hamstring stretch.

To perform this stretch you stretch one leg out in front of you and place the other leg in a figure four position.

Reach for your toes or as far down as your flexibility will allow whether that be your toes, foot, ankle, shin, or knee.

Stretch 4: Kneeling hamstring stretch

To perform this stretch you start in a kneeling position with one leg stretched out in front of you. Lower your hips down towards your back foot letting the leg in front become straight. Then lean forward placing your hands/fingertips on either side of your leg. The more you lean forward the deeper the stretch.

Grounded Calf Stretch

This is one of the most forgotten muscles. I usually don't remember to stretch it until it is bothering me 😬 With these stretches I now have two moves I can use to stretch them.

Stretch 5: Seated calf stretch

To perform this stretch you sit with one leg stretched in front of you and the other leg relaxed in a figure four position. Grab your toes-even if you knee bends a little to grab them- and lift your ankle off the floor while flexing the foot.

Stretch 6: Seated deep calf stretch

To perform this stretch you start in the same position as the last stretch. From there lean back onto the opposite hand then the leg you are stretching. With your other hand grab your toes and lift the whole leg off the ground. This gives a nice deep stretch in the full calf muscle.

❤️Love the stretch❤️

I know you read this title and think 'what! Love the stretch? This lady is crazy!' 🤪


I used to hate stretching too.

It was uncomfortable, even to the point of hurting. 😣

This was the case until I learned to do some dynamic stretching first or save my stretching until post workout.

My muscles were warm and ready to be stretched.

It's like dough. If you take dough out of the fridge and try and shape it it falls apart. You have to warm it up to get that elasticity to form it.

The same is true with your muscles.

Below are the tutorial videos for each muscle group. You can do them along with me to get a nice stretch for each group.

Grounded Quad Stretches

Grounded Hamstring Stretches

Grounded Calf Stretches


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