Does this make me look fat?
My hair is crazy!
They are all judging me!

Self confidence is lacking in our society. Anxiety and depression cases are rising- especially in moms.
I can't lie -I struggle with this too.
Mothers who have flat tummies and no stretch marks or moms who bounce right back to their pre pregnancy bodies in weeks leave me feeling like I fail in comparison to all the beautiful girls not just on tv but on social media.
Now the problem is not that these women work hard to get their flat tummies or made better choices then me when pregnant so their journey wasn't as difficult. It is not another woman fault for feeling beautiful and confident enough to post beautiful or sexy photos on social media.
The problem is my thought process.
Good news is I can change it. I can fix it. I just have to choose to and so can you!
I have started implementing some of these practices myself and have noticed a change in my self talk and confidence level.
*Self Talk is internal dialogue whether negative or positive that is influenced by your subconscious. It reveals your thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and questions.
1: Make Your Mantra
Words of affirmation make a big impact on our psyche even if we are saying them ourselves to ourselves. So pick a phrase and make it your mantra. Tell yourself everyday you are beautiful, amazing, fantastic!
Also more then just a mantra ask yourself confidence boosting questions like "why am I so good at being on time" and this automatically makes your brain want to quickly answer without thinking. Which is going to help you see the positive side of you.
2: Visualize
Usually low confidence stems from a poor image of ourself. If we change the way we perceive ourself it will also change how we feel about ourself. Try things like visualizing yourself achieving your goals or doing fantastic things.
Tip: Our perception of ourselves is usually inaccurate.
3: Be A Winner
Everybody likes to win. The feeling of accomplishment is hard to beat. Grant yourself this feeling by setting small goals that you know you can achieve. As you start winning and completing these goals you can start making larger goals and bigger wins. It helps to keep track of your wins to look back on to remind yourself all the things you have been successful at.
4: We Are Equal
We are all humans full of emotions, insecurities, issues, strengths, and weaknesses. All the things on that list vary from person to person but we all have them. None of my trauma makes me better or worse then your trauma.
Think about this: when you meet someone new do you see if they look fat in their outfit or if every hair is in place? Probably not. You most likely are drawn to their positive attributes whether this be their dazzling eyes or a striking personality. This is also how others perceive you. We are our own worst critic. Chances are nobody else notices what is bothering you.
5: Self Care
Say what! Self care is supposed to lead us to better confidence? This sounds crazy I know but there is valid reasons behind it.
Confidence comes from good emotional health, physical health, and social health. If you don't feel good because one of those areas is lacking your confidence will take a dive. It is hard to feel fantastic about yourself if you don't feel fantastic and have little energy.
Also if you aren't loving and caring for yourself you aren't going to allow others to either. But I am telling you now that you deserve it. Deserve to love yourself and be loved by everyone.
So pamper yourself, do your hair and makeup and put on something that makes you feel good. This helps boost confidence. There is a saying "clothes make the man" for a reason.
Now that you have the 5 techniques start winning by completing them. Train yourself to be better and feel better. It is a journey worth taking.
Smooches 😘