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5 Park Games You Can Play With Your Kids

Writer's picture: MomFit MomFit

My kids are constantly asking to go to the park or the playground.

Even when its raining or there is snow on the ground they want to go.

I don't always want to go to the park.

As a mom I have an endless 'to do' list and taking time away from the home doesn't get much on my list done.

Although the above is true I have found that getting the kids outside and running through their energy makes for a smoother night. I actually end up getting more on my list done then I would have otherwise.

This works best when I give a time limit and set expectations. Such as we can go to the park for 30 minutes or after the park its reading time with no complaints.

Now that expectations are set and the whole family has gone to the bathroom, gotten on shoes, and packed into the car we are at the park.

Once at the park the kids don't have any idea of what to do with themselves and are just kind of hanging around. So the plan of getting their energy out isn't going to work out very well.

To get them involved my husband and I created some go to games to play. This gets us involved so we can work on our energy stores and it is healthy for the whole family!



The games we are going to talk about are going to be mostly playground specific games and most of them will require your participation-but hey this is MomFit we are here to get moving. 🙃


1-Monster Tag

This is a game we created once we had kids. 1 adult is the monster the other is the jail keeper. The monster has to tag the kids and they are sent to the jail. To be eligible to be freed from jail you have to succeed at a task-such as jumping jacks, squats, abc's, or any other idea you have!

This our family favorite.

2-Hide and Go Seek

Classic game which is a ton of fun when using equipment for hiding places. Also one for all ages 😊


Grab a ball stand in a circle/or square and toss to each other. Variants include under hand, over hand, saying rhymes, or playing memory.

4-Play Pretend

This is limitless.

5-Lava Monster

The common feet can't touch the ground lava game. The playground equipment is all safe but your feet can not touch off the playground. If they do the lava monster can get you and you become a lava monster. Once all players are monsters you reset the game.


With a game plan your park visit will pass quickly and be enjoyable for the whole family 😁

Talk to you soon!

Smooches 😘




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