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Big Fat Turkey | 5 Tips On How To NOT Become A Big Fat Turkey

Big fat turkeys are what we eat for Thanksgiving.

The bigger, the fatter, the juicier, the tastier!

With a big fat turkey on the table there is a lot of food to eat and stuff ourselves full of and Thanksgiving is a holiday that encourages extra stuffing. It is so bad in America that people write blogs with suggestions on how you can stuff yourself more on Thanksgiving. Things like wearing loose pants, not drinking water with your meal, and slowly increasing your meals to stretch your stomach. This could work and make you a big fat turkey!

I don't want to be the big fat after thanksgiving turkey I want to remain a slim chicken. The past few years I have gone to Thanksgiving meal with a plan and it has worked! I work hard for my progress and 1 binge meal usually results in another and another. It also leaves us feeling hungry for about a week or so after and we have to work on getting back to appropriate portion sizes. It is yummy but a big set back. Summer bodies are made in the winter!

Here is how I don't become the big fat Christmas Turkey...

1) I make the plan ahead of time. If I go with a plan it is easier to stick to then trying to make the plan once I am there.

2) I repeat my plan--both in my head and out loud-- multiple times. I remind myself why I have made this plan and the benefits of sticking to it.

3) Share the plan with your partner(or 1 trusted person)-- nobody else!

Ok I know this sounds odd but trust me, I have done this for 3 years and it is better this way.

Telling 1 trusted person or someone who is on board, supporting, your journey or lifestyle will help keep you accountable. I tell my husband because we sit next to each other at the table and there is no hiding what is on my plate. If I am going to cheat he will know. When you share a healthy lifestyle with your partner you also do this for them. Remind them of what their goal was and why they shared it with you. Help stop the impulse!

Do not tell others because others like to give you excuses. When people are not determined to loose weight or maintain progress it is hard to understand restricting oneself- especially on a holiday.

4) Wear something classy but sexy. When we eat to much we don't feel sexy or good about ourselves-I know I don't. I get bloated and sweaty when I eat to much which is not sexy or cute.

5) Take 1 small spoonful of all the things you like to eat instead of a heaping scoop or 2. If you can eliminate the unhealthy food altogether then that is the best option but sometimes it is easier to limit instead of restrict. You can always have another taste when leftovers are brought out.

If you follow these steps, actually follow them through the whole day you will feel better on black Friday. You will succeed in maintaining your skinny chicken progress and the only big fat turkey will be what's left in the refrigerator.

Happy Thanksgiving subscribers!

Smooches 😚

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