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5 Ways To A Better Walk

Writer's picture: MomFit MomFit


Walking may sound simple or seem like 'an easy walk in the park' but once you start walking it isn't always easy to keep going.

Depending on your current fitness level walking can be straining.

If that is you, don't worry, the strain won't last too long, especially with these 5 walking tips I am going to share with you.

If you are not already walking this video gives you 5 reasons to start :)


Now that you are walking lets get into doing it right!

Each part of our body has its own place in completing the exercise of walking.

Lets start at the top.



Ya, thats what I said when I first read about this.

What if I want to walk with a friend (which I do) and I want to talk to my friend (which I do)?

No worries! As long as you are keeping your chin parallel to the ground you should be golden.

If you want to look up at a pretty tree or down at the pond be sure to stop walking.

One reason to keep your gaze ahead of you is because your feet are going to go where you are looking. It is easy to ver off path if your eyes are also off the path.


The way you hold your arms not only determines your pace but also helps your keep your breathing in check.

Often times if your hands are not in the right spot you will start to get the dreaded side cramps!

Increase that arm swing to get a better workout from your walk.

If you are walking at a fat burning pace try to match your breathing to the rhythm of your arm swings to avoid any side cramps.


If you watched the 5 reasons to start walking you know that walking is supposed to be relaxing. If you are relaxed then you aren't clenching your fists.

Let the stress go!

Let your open palms feel the breeze or the tall grass.

When you are on your relaxing walk the focus isn't supposed to be on your hands.

Just let them hang naturally 😉


This is not an area you think about when walking but it is one of the most important parts to keep engaged.

It isn't called a core for nothin'.

The core is just that...the core of our body.

The middle.

What enables us to do most of our movements (aside from our legs)

I mean have you ever worked your abs so hard that no matter how you sit, stand, laugh, or talk you are going to feel the burn? That is a good indicator this area is the core of our bodies.

Given that, we need to give this area attention even when walking.

Start by standing up straight. Good posture makes for a good walk. To help maintain your good posture and keep you upright encage your core.

This means pulling the belly button to the spine and holding it there while still breathing normally.

So that means you are not just 'sucking in'. 😜

By keeping your core engaged during your walk will also help protect lk back. 😁


Alright we are finally ready to talk about the legs and feet.

It may seem like this is the only thing to worry about but alas the above info is important.

Your legs are holding the majority of your weight and have to continue hold it and shift it during your walk.

When you are walking you don't want to walk with bent knees, this puts too much stress on the knees so keep your legs straight, but not locked.

This is how most of us walk normally but just in case you are in the habit of walking with bent knees this part is for you 🙃

Now lets talk about the feet, the major mover in the whole walking equation.

When you take a step plant your heel first and then follow with the arch and last the toes.

This helps the impact. It is less stress on the arch of the foot and the ankle when the heel is planted first, and as aging women ourselves we know how important it is to protect our joints 😊

That is it ladies and gents!

5 Walking Tips to help you have a safe walk that can also burn fat and calories.

Join our step challenge or run our step challenge with friends to get yourself and others walking towards a more fit life.


As always we love all of you!

Thank you for reading :)


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